What I love about Autumn on the Pacific West Coast is the lifting of the fog. Grey day after ghostly grey day is swept away by fierce coastal winds. Power outages are common now, and I find myself denning like a fattened bear, reading by firelight in reclusive comfort. November is a time of transformation – it is falling leaves, colder nights and shorter days. The best way I know how to honor this time of change is to sit in quiet contemplation. I look forward to taking this time for myself each year.
Soon enough, I'll be greeted by the low winter sun and frosty winds each morning, as I wrap my scarf a little tighter and zip my tiny dog into her new parka. I still take time to enjoy this barren stillness with quiet, albeit much colder, contemplation. In these moments I wish to extend an offering to myself of an open heart that can both give and receive generously. In this upcoming season of gift giving, can we all gift ourselves an easing of burdens and expectations, and a cozy spot to nestle?
Come January, there will be silence and there will be peace. There has been time to rest and to replenish. It is at this time that I open my books for commission works. Each year I accept 5 commission pieces throughout the year . Don't hesitate to reach out to me if this is something you have been thinking about for 2024. It's always a special honor to create something unique just for you.
